Strong Relationships

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset…”
Philippians 2:3-5

Our relationships with others are key to our ability to co-exist with others. If you observe groups of people, you note that like people congregate with like people. Culture is a great example of this. Race, color, and creed go a long ways in defining likes, beliefs, prejudice, and perspective just to name a few. Nations have been built on strong relationships and same mindsets.

Relationships also play an important role in each person's daily life. We tend to think and act out those things we were taught and surrounded by as we grew up. Some of those things are useful and valuable life skills. Other things are often narrow minded, hateful, petty, and destructive.

The instruction above points out that in order to have a strong relationship you must agree with each other much more often than disagree. For example, a person of strong faith is much more likely to seek out a person with the same level of faith as a life partner. But if they don't it is much more likely their relationship will fail over time.

My goal is to help strengthen your relationship with others. Make an appointment and let's talk.

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